MEXICO ~ June 3, 2008!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Conception Calendar

According to my Conception Calendar, this is the week that I am *fertile*!!!

"You are fertile today. Your chances to becoming pregnant are good. If you conceive today, your baby will born 23 June 2008, and he will be Cancer." per

WOW... That statement is scary.... Scary to me bacause it is said in such a matter-of-fact way (which shouldn't be scary, but I am such a 'freak' and I over-think everything!) AND scary because that would mean that I would be a *Big*Pregnant*Lady* during some HOT Southern Summer days & nights!! UGH!~!

Well, I guess now that we have made the decision to have a baby, I want to be pregnant NOW! ! I am sooo impatient that the whole '1 week of being fertile' makes me ill! And in my mind, that's just not long enough!!!??

Ok, So I'm off to "enjoy" my Fertile Week!

Wish us some luck, please!!! :-)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Are we SURE we want to do this?!?!

Well, Shawn and I have decided to 'trash' the pills and attempt to get PREGNANT!
(As seen in the above photo!!!)

This is such a scary time for me because I continue (during the 2 days that I have officially been off the pill...ha-ha) to rethink this decision.... Am I doing the right thing? Am I too old for a baby? Can I survive with little sleep? Can I survive with out my continuous flow of Coca-Cola? Will I be a good mommy? How will Gordie (our 'first born', a mini dachshund who we adore!) react to the change? Can I really handle giving birth? Can we really afford a baby?
So many questions....

So I have created this blog to be my 'sounding board' through this process!
Any advice, thoughts, encouragement, and prayers is graciously accepted and appreciated!! :-)
Ok, So here we go............